My Maps

hiii open fortress devs!! :3 Note that there will only be a few here since a lot others I have yet to make somewhat presentable.

Eleventhbowl [Alpha 5, PRE-FORTRESS 2]

When "the big one" happened, people were going insane over one thing, now a nationwide sensation: Dariobowl. One user took it upon herself to give the map a proper Dustbowl-esque artpass, so I in turn created my own unspeakable abomination. Eleventhbowl, being a recreation of Eleventh from TFC and a slight fusion of Dustbowl's textures (and shittiness), is a CP CTF map in which teams must deliver a team-ambiguous Dynamite bundle to rocks blocking their path in order to get to the last point. This map started out as a shitpost (as communicated by the pitiful resupply machinery) but gradually turned into something more than that.


Eleventh [B1 (Again), PRE-FORTRESS 2]

This is a version of Eleventh I made that is effectively the complete opposite of Eleventhbowl. Started out serious, got shitposty and experimental as time went on (hence the :3 tower.) It also has really, really bad vis.


Strike [Alpha 3, PRE-FORTRESS 2]

Within the humble depths of the PF2 server lied once a discussion about TFC's community gamemodes, and amidst them lied one titled "Kill the Carrier". I soon took it upon myself to create a map (using a prefab) for this gamemode. Currently in a pretty early stage as I haven't had much reason to continue it. Viaduct was used for testing instead of my awesome map :(


Studentdriver Crossover [Version 1, PRE-FORTRESS 2]

This map is PF2's Crossover with a working truck serving as the flag. This map is sadly lost to a Mediafire error and me not wanting to deal with my laptop's missing keys, as it is still present there.


August 15th, 2023 note: all of those maps are ass and i hate them. the ones past this are good

Fourteenth [Alpha 2? PRE-FORTRESS 2]

Succeeding Twelfth and Thirteenth, this map is the third iteration of an Eleventh remake fit for the "Kill the Carrier" gamemode.